Stock Exchange should be understood as a market where stock buyers connect with stock sellers. Stocks can be traded on one or more of several exchanges such as the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) or the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
A stock exchange is a place where different financial instruments are traded—stocks, commodities, derivatives, etc.—bringing corporations and governments together with investors. Exchanges help provide liquidity in the market, giving sellers a place to liquidate their shareholdings. They also ensure trading takes place in a fair and efficient manner so important information such as prices can be transmitted to investors and financial professionals.
1 New York Stock Exchange(NYSE)
2 Nasdaq(NASDAQ)
3 Japan Exchange Group,Japan(JPX)
4 Shanghai Stock Exchange,China(SSE)
5 Hong Kong Stock Exchange(SEHK)
6 Euronext,European Union(EEA)
7 London Stock Exchange,UK
8 Shenzhen Stock Exchange,China(SZSE)
9 TMX Group,Canada(TSX)
10 Bombay Stock Exchange,India(BSE)
11 National Stock Exchange,India(NSE)
12 Australian Securities Exchange,Australia(ASX)
13 Deutsche,Germany(DAX)
14 SIX Swiss Exchange,Switzerland
15 Korea Exchange(KRX)
16 Nasdaq Nordic Exchanges,Copenhagen Stock Exchange
17 Stockholm Stock Exchange,Sweden
18 Taiwan Stock Exchange,Taiwan-Taipei(TWSE)
19 B3,Brazil
20 JSE,South Africa
21 Bolsas,Spain(BME)
Elliott Wave Theory is a method of technical analysis that looks for recurrent long-term price patterns related to persistent changes in investor sentiment and psychology. The theory identifies waves identified as impulse waves that set up a pattern and corrective waves that oppose the larger trend. elliott wave theory online learn elliott wave theory